Category: Spiritual Life

Book Review: The Devil in the Castle

“Dan Burke has introduced me to a saintly friend who is not beyond me at all, but who wants to guide me beyond the outer chamber of my soul and into its very depths. For she knows that in the interior castle I will find the love and light of the Lord Who deeply wants to share that inner chamber with me.” – Sarah Damm


On Creative Work: Resistance and Retaliation

“Retaliation is a bitter, evil reproach for the offering of ourselves to the world, stretching out our arms and our hearts and saying,’ here, here is my offering.’ Satan hears an echo in that offering — the echo of a cry from a Cross that marks the end of his reign.  And he retaliates against us for reminding him that God became man that we might become like Him.” – Claire Dwyer


Only God Can Convert: on Parenting and the Spiritual Life

“As a parent, you introduce your child to the faith, and you live your faith life infused in everything you do, but you can not control or direct your child’s relationship with the Lord. Father Jacque Phillipe says ‘A plant can’t be made to grow by pulling it up’”. – Dr. MaryRuth Hackett


Contemplative Prayer: A Deeper Listening

“How necessary then is this deep listening.  Without it, we miss God.  We miss our vocations.  And we miss the intimacy and the depth to which He is calling each one of us.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


The Gates of Holiness

“To enter into the Gates of Holiness is to find shelter from the dangerous voids that otherwise haunt our existence.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


And Nothing Would Again be Casual and Small

“We have a perfect Author writing our story.  That means that every detail is carefully chosen to advance his plot.  He does not fill pages just to fill pages, and He wastes nothing.” – Claire Dwyer

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