The Promise and Peril of Apologetics
“But although apologetics is an important tool, it can be misused. If one elevates apologetics beyond its appropriate sphere, it can become positively dangerous.” – Dr. David Anders
“But although apologetics is an important tool, it can be misused. If one elevates apologetics beyond its appropriate sphere, it can become positively dangerous.” – Dr. David Anders
“While there are many layers to the story, both personal and communal, it is clear that God often allows great injustice and suffering, only to produce great glory and healing on account of it.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“For confession to really heal, it is necessary to go deeper. It is necessary to examine the deeper drives and motives of sin; to examine not only what I have done, by to ponder why.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“Let’s remember that it was this exact sin of envy that killed Jesus.” – Denise Trull
“In preparation for Lent, take this short self-test for pridefulness: How do you take correction? How teachable are you?” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“Once I realized that some of my greatest strengths had shadow sides, that pride lurked behind my drive to accomplish even good and holy goals, I was able to finally recognize what my spiritual fathers could see clearly.” – Dan Burke
“The devil, who orchestrates the ‘correcting is judging’ campaign, rejoices; for if he can keep us from correcting one another, sin can and does flourish.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“In those cases where I can easily avoid something that I know will be a very strong temptation for me, I need to do what I can to avoid it.” – Fr. John Bartunek
“Can demons induce someone, in a case of their extraordinary activity, to behave compulsively? Can they induce a compulsive eating disorder?” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“Mortal sins happen. Frequent confession is a salutary and proper remedy that takes such sin seriously but does not despair of God’s mercy.” – Monsignor Charles Pope