The Peter and Paul Effect
“Our sins do not disqualify us from becoming saints, they serve as the soil for the conversion that Jesus wants to work in us.” – Thomas Griffin
“Our sins do not disqualify us from becoming saints, they serve as the soil for the conversion that Jesus wants to work in us.” – Thomas Griffin
“The enemy doesn’t mind ministry of all different and varied types and forms, but he will resist the one who prays and will try to halt any corporate expression of prayer.” – Amy Knight
“The spiritual life, our relationship with God, is eternal and never-ending. Similarly, the Spiritual Exercises have no ‘end’.” – Debra Black
“Elizabeth lived her life with constant awareness of the life of the Trinity within her. In the center of her soul, the ‘secret cellar,’ she found a bottomless depth of the divine.” – Claire Dwyer
Aurelius Augustinus, who is considered by most to be the greatest Father of the Church, was born on November 13, 354 A.D., in Numidia at
“Here is freedom. You cannot steal from a man who owns nothing, and you cannot threaten a man who has nothing to lose; you cannot deprive a man who has Jesus Christ.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
Christine Flynn explains how reading about Padre Pio helped her overcome her reluctance to embrace Christian mysticism.
Meet the man who introduced Pope St. John Paul to the Carmelite Saints!
It is a time of year where all is changing: the air, the leaves, even the makeup of college towns as a sea of students
Monsignor Pope takes up the topic of humility in prayer as St. Teresa of Avila presents it in her treatise The Way of Perfection.