Seasons of Change
It is a time of year where all is changing: the air, the leaves, even the makeup of college towns as a sea of students
It is a time of year where all is changing: the air, the leaves, even the makeup of college towns as a sea of students
Monsignor Pope takes up the topic of humility in prayer as St. Teresa of Avila presents it in her treatise The Way of Perfection.
Feelings are, in the end, just feelings. They are a gift, but they cannot last—they must give way in order for us to grow in the holy virtue of faith. Faith is an entirely free gift of God–but it is something to be asked for, assented to, nourished, and practiced. Or else we can find ourselves “shipwrecked.” (I Timothy 1:19) Claire Dwyer continues her series.
What is your motto? Elizabeth of the Trinity was asked when she entered the convent. What was her answer? What would your answer be? Claire Dwyer continues her series.
Fr. Boniface Hicks explains his calling to the Benedictine way of life.
“Grilles, distance, time, nothing, it seems to me, will be able to separate our souls; for we love each other in God, and in Him, there is no separation!” Claire Dwyer shares on St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and the Communion of Saints.
When we surrender ourselves and our dearest things to Mary, she will determine the hour for their fulfillment, just as she did at Cana. St. Elizabeth of the Trinity discovers this in Claire Dwyer’s next in the series.
Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on the idea of a true liberal arts education and the idea of an authentic Catholic University according to St. John Henry Newman and from his own experiences.
Sometimes we want a saint for a cause, an intention, a miracle. But maybe we just need one for the journey, Claire Dwyer shares.
Waiting, when it is the will of God, is exactly where we are supposed to be – a lesson St. Elizabeth of the Trinity learned early. Claire Dwyer continues a series of reflections on this young saint.