The Battle of Earthly Life
To not understand what it means to be human is to be unprepared in this greatest battle, this battle of earthly life.
To not understand what it means to be human is to be unprepared in this greatest battle, this battle of earthly life.
David Torkington continues his course with a deeper explanation of the experience of the beginnings of mystical prayer.
Today David Torkington continues with the third series of reflections in the Mini-course on prayer, turning his focus to mystical contemplation.
Mysticism – Navigating the Interior Life Spiritual Dictionary MYSTICISM: The supernatural state of soul in which God is known in a way that no
“Behold, I am with you always unto the end of time.” (Matthew 28:20) These last words of the Risen Christ to the Apostles before He
by Jimmy Akin Thursday, December 02, 2010 Right now in his weekly catecheses, Pope Benedict is giving a series of meditations on female saints from
Dear Dan, I have experienced what people call “resting in the spirit” or being “slain in the spirit.” It was amazing. The priest prayed for
I never had dreams like this before. Only now that I have grown closer to Him in recent months He has spoken to me in
Dear Father John, How is contemplation different than meditation? Contemplative prayer consists of a more passive (and more sublime) experience of God. If Christian meditation
Dear Father John, What do you do when the presence of God (I think that is what it is) is distracting? I have to continually