The Assumption is Our Feast, Too
“What happened to Mary, in a profound and preliminary way, will also happen to us in the end.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“What happened to Mary, in a profound and preliminary way, will also happen to us in the end.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“We can and should allow the Feast of the Assumption to inspire in us a desire to imitate the saints’ focus on that which is ‘not of this world.'” – Thomas Griffin
“Her Assumption reveals a key aspect of what it means to be Christian. We do not follow Christ because he is a great moral philosopher, but because being attached to him makes us who we were made to be.” – Thomas Griffin
“How is the Risen Lord present to us? He is not simply present in the world – one presence among other presences. He is present to the world through His mystical body holding the whole world together.” – Dr. Anthonly Lilles
If the Assumption was only declared a dogma of the Church in the last century, is there any proof it was celebrated in the early Church? Read this excerpt from an early 8th-century homily preached on the occasion of this glorious feast.