Category: Interiority

The Pathways of Metanoia

“By grace, the eyes of the heart are capable of knowing God inwardly and intimately on the most familiar terms of love – experiencing his Presence. When it comes to this higher and deeper sort of knowing, however, you and I are like the blind men in the gospel stories.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.


Teach Us To Pray

Part 33 of This Present Paradise A Series of Reflections on St. Elizabeth of the Trinity (Start with part 1 here.)   When I was


What is Your “Essence”?

What comes out when life’s trials and tribulations squeeze you? Stephanie Burke offers something to think about in these unprecedented days.


Sacred Spaces: This Present Paradise, Part 9

What critical truth did young Elizabeth of the Trinity learn while waiting to enter the convent? That there was already a cell inside of her. Claire Dwyer continues a series of reflections on the life of this Carmelite mystic.

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