The Hope of St. John of the Cross
“The hope of a Christian confronts every trial, even death itself. Christian hope does not just raise our spirits; it raises a battle flag against all the troubles of this life.” – Glenn Dickinson
“The hope of a Christian confronts every trial, even death itself. Christian hope does not just raise our spirits; it raises a battle flag against all the troubles of this life.” – Glenn Dickinson
‘Our Lady of Pontmain quietly entered into my life this morning quite by happenstance – if there be such a thing, really.” – Denise Trull
“Most of us are hoarders in one way or another. It’s something we do to protect ourselves against feeling powerless, or against feeling grief.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“As God’s yes began to take root in my life, it expanded my heart and increased my desire to choose His will and His timing. His yes called me out of myself and my own plans.” – Sarah Damm
“If there’s one thing my time at Avila has helped me understand, it is that not all the thoughts in my head are my own. And I’ve learned to renounce and reject the suggestions that ‘things will always be this way’ or ‘why bother?’” – Ann Virnig
“The Church, too, in her liturgy prays for the blessings of nature to come to us. Yet, the hope of the Christian heart is at the same time far deeper. It is for something more.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
Heather Khym’s new book is both a fruit and a seed of a new and beautiful healing movement of the Holy Spirit.
“What is it that can allow us as believers to set ourselves apart from unbelievers, whose only hope is in this world, so that we are able to stand up straight and to raise our heads in joyful expectation of our redemption?” – Fr. John Keehner
Jesus brings us to the shore, where we can leave our boats, our limited human efforts, behind, casting ourselves upon the depth of His grace.
Christ and His Church need our courageous love and witness, today, at this hour.