Category: Charisms

Thou Shalt Renew the Face of the Earth

“However, for the rest of us, the Spirit’s fruits seen in our actions are preceded by a change in our perspective, a perspective that differs in its clarity and purity because our eyes now see with Love. These fruits become our attitude.” – Debra Black


On Creative Work: Resistance and Retaliation

“Retaliation is a bitter, evil reproach for the offering of ourselves to the world, stretching out our arms and our hearts and saying,’ here, here is my offering.’ Satan hears an echo in that offering — the echo of a cry from a Cross that marks the end of his reign.  And he retaliates against us for reminding him that God became man that we might become like Him.” – Claire Dwyer


The Master Has Need of You

The reading which opens the liturgy for Palm Sunday reminds us that the Lord makes himself dependant on lowly things–and that includes us, Claire Dwyer reflects as we begin Holy Week.


The Master Has Need of You

The reading which opens the liturgy for Palm Sunday reminds us that the Lord makes himself dependant on lowly things–and that includes us, Claire Dwyer reflects as we begin Holy Week.


What is a Charism? (Part II of II)

What specifically is the Carmelite charism and the charism of the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles? Find out in the conclusion of the two-part series on what a charism is.


What is a Charism? (Part I of II)

What are charisms? And, who are they for? What does the Church have to say about them? Find out when the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles introduce this topic in this first post of a two-part series.

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