Eternal Life: Rediscovering the Heart of Christianity
“Life isn’t some cruel spiritual scavenger hunt that keeps you guessing about God’s existence, personality, or purpose for your life.”- Simone Rizkallah
“Life isn’t some cruel spiritual scavenger hunt that keeps you guessing about God’s existence, personality, or purpose for your life.”- Simone Rizkallah
“Presuming that we die in a state of grace and friendship with God, Christ will surely complete his work in us (for He is faithful to His promises) by purging us of whatever imperfections, venial sins, or sorrowful effects of sins that still remain.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“Confess your sins while you still have time. In hell, the time is past.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
It’s a place of their own miserable making–and they’ll do anything not to go back.
As November ends but Advent begins, Monsignor Pope asks us to remember the four last things.
Dr. Anthony Lilles offers a reflection on the Word and the Sleep of Death in Christian Prayer for Holy Saturday.
Who the fire that purifies and saves us? Sonja Corbitt gives a fascinating look at Purgatory.
Nothing is wasted in the Economy of God–this mysterious, wonderful reality has us all implicated in each other’s salvation. Claire Dwyer is always amazed at the perfection of God’s plans.
To not understand what it means to be human is to be unprepared in this greatest battle, this battle of earthly life.
Your own love for the souls in Purgatory — expressed by your prayers and sacrifices on their behalf — is received very favorably by God.