Category: Freedom

Daily Bread

“Jesus Christ did not come into the world to give us the grace to do it all, but to liberate us from the illusion that we possibly can. This opens up the hope that God will always provide, and the vision to see that He already, always has—not in color-coded schedules, but in a creative brilliance of unpredictable days as only He can.” – Claire Dwyer


Life, Liberty and America

“As we grapple with the sacredness of life and spiritual poverty as a people, God is also at work, ready to support us when we choose life. He can heal what is wounded. He can make whole what has been shattered.”
— Dr. Anthony Lilles


Called to Carmel for the Persecution

At the turn of the Century, it looked like the earthly forces were winning a decisive victory in France, and that Catholicism was being humiliated and beaten back. But God had another plan. Claire Dwyer continues her series on Elizabeth of the Trinity.


The Right Way

The right way is one of order, peace, and true freedom. The right way is God’s way.


The Freedom to Love

Our freedom to love was purchased with Someone’s blood.  We thank Dr. Anthony Lilles for this reminder as we set today apart to thank God for authentic freedom of all kinds.

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