Category: Fr. Bartunek

Having Too Many Spiritual Directors

“Different spiritual directors will have different gifts and insights, just as different coaches have different styles of coaching – not necessarily better or worse, just different. For consistent growth, we need to follow consistent guidance.” -Father John Bartunek.


Which Method of Spiritual Direction is Best?

“There are as many kinds of spiritual direction as there are spiritual directors. And there are as many “schools” of spiritual direction as there are families of spirituality within the Church.” – Fr. John Bartunek


Is Group Spiritual Direction a Good Thing?

“Discerning God’s action and invitations in one’s life requires that kind of intensely personal and personalized dialogue. A group setting, with one spiritual director and a bunch of directees, would significantly change that essential dynamic.” – Fr. John Bartunek


Is the Occasion of Sin a Sin?

“In those cases where I can easily avoid something that I know will be a very strong temptation for me, I need to do what I can to avoid it.” – Fr. John Bartunek

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