Rediscovering “Work” with Purpose
Why do we work? Are we supposed to work to live…or live to work? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard reflects this Labor Day on what God intended for us from the beginning.
Why do we work? Are we supposed to work to live…or live to work? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard reflects this Labor Day on what God intended for us from the beginning.
What does the universal call to holiness mean to the family as domestic Church? Liz Estler concludes her examination of the family as domestic Church in Part 4 of this four-part series.
What does it mean to be prophet and king in the secular world as part of the family as the domestic Church? Liz Estler continues her examination of the family as domestic Church in Part 3 of this four-part series by looking specifically at how parents function as prophets and kings within their domestic Church.
What does it mean to be priest, prophet and king in the secular world as part of the family as the domestic Church? Liz Estler continues her examination of the family as domestic Church in Part 2 of this four-part series by looking specifically how parents function as priest within their domestic Church.
How is the Family the Domestic Church? How does she hand on the faith? Liz Estler explores what it means for the family to be Church and examines, in part I, the four marks of the Church seen in the family.
Saint or Tyrant? A Spiritual Growth Plan for Your Choleric Child Hippocrates noted four patterns of behavior: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. Author, mother
What is a dynamic Catholic? To me, these are folks who give all they have to God and neighbor in a way that is energetic,
Today we are pleased to introduce Nancy Ward to you. Nancy is a convert to Catholicism and a widely published writer. In this post, she
My 20-year-old Does Not Receive Communion: What Should I Do? Dear Father John, should it bother me when my 20 year old son goes to
Let’s face it, not all parents are perfect and some fall very short of that mark. In our dysfunctional world, many people today have come