From Praying to Contemplating
David Torkington explains the journey of the heart to God through prayer.
David Torkington explains the journey of the heart to God through prayer.
David Torkington expounds on the difference between authentic Christian contemplation and its counterfeits.
“Learning to pray, learning to open ourselves to God, is like anything else: it needs practice and it takes time. There is no accomplishment of any worth that I know of that you can attain merely by desiring to have it.” David Torkington urges us to persevere and practice prayer.
Death to self allows us to receive the infused virtues–the sign and fruit of contemplative prayer. David Torkington reveals the wisdom of the Church as his series continues.
One small verse repeated from the heart can be a lifeline for a soul in the Night. David Torkington reveals a secret of the saints.
The morning offering is the beginning of a life lived completely in self-donative love, united to Jesus and given to the Father. David Torkington explains how this practice took root in the lives of the first Christians.
David Torkington continues his mini-course on prayer with a reflection on our prayerful participation in the Holy Mass.
David Torkington discusses the importance of short prayers said throughout the day as an aid to recollection.
David Torkington explores the advantages of a dedicated time and space for prayer and love as the greatest knowledge.
David Torkington explores how it is love that makes the ascetical life possible.