Category: Claire Dwyer

“Courage, Dear Heart”: Discern and then Do

“We want to make the best decisions possible, decisions for good—for the best—outcomes.  The glory and terrifying responsibility of being made in God’s image and likeness is that we have the freedom to choose.” – Claire Dwyer 


What if it’s Wonderful? Preparing our Hearts for Pentecost

“With the Spirit, light is more luminous.  Colors are brighter.  Joy is sweeter.  Life is richer.  From the first moments after Pentecost, Christians have known what is it is to suddenly be awakened to the breathtaking presence of God even in the ordinariness of things.” – Claire Dwyer 


The Slow Years: Productive vs. Fruitful

“When others are crushing goals and breaking ceilings, we will find solace in the fact that our ‘becoming’ years are making it possible for us to bear fruit that will last.” – Claire Dwyer


Parenting is a Purgative Way

“My eyes were opened to how precise and beautiful God’s plan is—that the living out of our vocation purposefully, intentionally, of giving in and giving way and saying yes to every cry and every sticky summons and sleepless night—and saying no to what my wounded nature wanted so badly—was a radical kind of inner house cleaning.” – Claire Dwyer


On Creative Work: Resistance and Retaliation

“Retaliation is a bitter, evil reproach for the offering of ourselves to the world, stretching out our arms and our hearts and saying,’ here, here is my offering.’ Satan hears an echo in that offering — the echo of a cry from a Cross that marks the end of his reign.  And he retaliates against us for reminding him that God became man that we might become like Him.” – Claire Dwyer


One-Time Spiritual Direction in a Retreat Setting

“Many of us will have the opportunity to experience one-time spiritual direction while on retreat. It can be valuable, but there are certain cautions that experienced directors offer about what to expect and how to make the best use of that single meeting.” – Claire Dwyer

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