The Degrees of Prayer 2: Don’t Turn Back
“With heavenly matters, we must sometimes wait patiently, for years, until God chooses, in His own perfect timing, to act.” – Glenn Dickinson
“With heavenly matters, we must sometimes wait patiently, for years, until God chooses, in His own perfect timing, to act.” – Glenn Dickinson
“When you pursue, with all your heart, a life of prayer, then you are following the plot of the story God is telling in your life.” – Glenn Dickinson
“This is not the dull path of obligation. It is an adventure, into a wild freedom.” – Glenn Dickinson
“The saint’s insight is that aridity is not a sign of backsliding but of progress; it is exactly that process by which God draws the soul away from childish pleasures to the hard work of purification.” – Glenn Dickinson
“To be redeemed does not mean to be injury-free, at least in this life. But it does mean that our wounds must touch the One Who was wounded for us.” – Glenn Dickinson
“Perfect detachment from all that is not God is what we will have in fullness in Heaven. So we should start actively seeking it now, here in this life.” – Glenn Dickinson
“When the third secret of Fatima was published in June 2000, many hoped for stunning revelations about humanity’s future and cosmic destiny.” – Glenn Dickinson