Category: Elizabeth Mitchell

The Paradox of Pain

“Christ does not delay when we hand all it to Him.  His is the paradoxical response, the response of His Divine Mercy, in which the forgiveness we offer heals our own hearts.” – Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell


Vanishing in Plain Sight

“And now, today, in the middle of a prosperous nation, NFL commentators, nurses, doctors, pilots, police, are quietly vanishing.  Law-abiding citizens.  Loyal employees.  The ones who came on time, and stayed late, and worked heroic hours during the crisis, and loved their profession.  Gone.” – Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell


Waiting for God’s Best

When God drives the Abandonment Bus, He is directing you to a better outcome. Just hold on. The Lord will take our idols, our understanding, our timing, our control, and He will make a way in the wilderness. “You shall know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruins and replanted that which was desolate.” (Ezekiel 36:36)


To Lower Our Nets

Jesus brings us to the shore, where we can leave our boats, our limited human efforts, behind, casting ourselves upon the depth of His grace.


The Masterpiece of the Divine Artist

The Lord sees within each of us His hope for the perfect fulfillment of all He has created us to be.  For every human being, there is a divine archetype within God’s heart.  We become, to a greater or lesser extent, the person He has called us to become, and when we correspond most closely to His perfect ideal for our lives, we too become a masterpiece.


Christ Was Cancelled First

Christ allows himself to be immolated, and with the help of His grace, invites us to follow Him willingly into the place of death to ourselves. Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell with a powerful reflection.


I Believe in You

“Offer Him your unbounded confidence, trusting in His work, and tell Him, at every moment, that you believe in Him.” – Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell

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