Take Care of Everything: The Surrender Novena
“The Surrender Novena…has genuinely helped me, an ardent and awkward disciple of Christ, to find peace as I try to serve God and do his will.” – Christine Hanus
“The Surrender Novena…has genuinely helped me, an ardent and awkward disciple of Christ, to find peace as I try to serve God and do his will.” – Christine Hanus
“Jesus Christ did not come into the world to give us the grace to do it all, but to liberate us from the illusion that we possibly can. This opens up the hope that God will always provide, and the vision to see that He already, always has—not in color-coded schedules, but in a creative brilliance of unpredictable days as only He can.” – Claire Dwyer
“In surrender, I’ve found strength, not weakness; freedom, not confinement. I’ve discovered that in letting go, I am held more closely than ever by the One who loves us most.” – Mary Lenaburg
“I willingly reorder so many things in my life and make great sacrifices – but resist and resist letting go of that last thing or two. It’s a false security, rooted in ungodly self-reliance and pride.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“Jesus Christ has opened up the pathway to freedom and this pathway is the pathway of extreme humility.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
When God drives the Abandonment Bus, He is directing you to a better outcome. Just hold on. The Lord will take our idols, our understanding, our timing, our control, and He will make a way in the wilderness. “You shall know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruins and replanted that which was desolate.” (Ezekiel 36:36)
The Holy Bread of Eternal Life is a powerful and timely book by scholar Peter Kwasniewski that exalts the divine gift of the Blessed Sacrament, which can never be too much adored, too much loved, too much cared for, or too much sacrificed for.
Jerry Usher and Debbie Georgianni present deeply moving stories from listeners whose loved ones have left the Catholic Church. They are stories of heartache and sacrifice, but also hope and redemption.
Claire Dwyer reflects on abandonment to God and the grace of a surrendered soul.
Did you know that every part of our life is meant to be powered by prayer…everything!
Matthew Leonard shares about constant prayer.