The Secret of Mary (Part 3)
“Throughout the entire history of Christianity, there has never been a saint, and there never will be a saint, who has had only a moderate love for Mary.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“Throughout the entire history of Christianity, there has never been a saint, and there never will be a saint, who has had only a moderate love for Mary.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
Christ and His Church need our courageous love and witness, today, at this hour.
Join us as we discuss the act of Sacrificial Love and Maximilian Kolbe with Dr. Joseph Hollcraft on Saints and Sages podcast!
Join us as we discuss the act of Sacrificial Love and Maximilian Kolbe!
Does what we do with our bodies affect our spiritual and apostolic lives? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard reflects on the dualism we sometimes unknowingly fall into and when he challenges us to come alive with Christ.
What are the new times of Noah? And, what role does Mary play in them? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard explains and reflects.
What do Pearl Harbor and World War II’s V-J Day have to do with the Blessed Virgin Mary? And, what does She have to do with the war against Satan? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard expands on this these concepts in today’s post on this holy day: The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
Is the liturgy a grace machine? Fr Angelo Geiger brings the words of Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) and Cardinal Robert Sarah to bear as he examines this question in part V of his Mystery and Magisterium Series and how the Blessed Virgin Mary is key to better appreciating the sacraments and the liturgy.
How is Mary the Ark of Salvation? And, why is that important on this optional memorial of the Most Holy Name of Mary? Find out as Dr. Peter Howard draws out the meaning of this celebration.
“Blessed Are the Pure of Heart” The perfection of all virtues and gifts of God is beatitude. In other words, the more perfect virtue and