Snow and the Spiritual Life
What does snow have to do with the spiritual life? Find out as Father Michael Najim draws out a spiritual lesson from it, which can help us grow in holiness.
What does snow have to do with the spiritual life? Find out as Father Michael Najim draws out a spiritual lesson from it, which can help us grow in holiness.
Father John Bartunek answers a reader’s questions about a new movie entitled “Silence” and how to watch the film to interpret the meaning of it.
How should we understand our dreams, especially nightmares? Father John answers a reader’s question about negative kinds of sleep disturbances.
What’s it like to pray to God with honesty? Find out when Father Michael Najim reflects on this very important attribute of a good prayer life.
What various approaches to spiritual direction might one encounter? What principles or questions underlie all good spiritual direction no matter what the approach? Find out as Father John Bartunek answers a deacon’s question.
What is the proper etiquette for changing one’s spiritual director? Find out when Father John Bartunek answers a reader’s question about this concern which may come up during various periods of one’s spiritual life.
What’s a good “ratio” for confession and for spiritual direction? Find out when Fr. John Bartunek answers a reader’s question with a short explanation of what is expected in each one situation.
Is it acceptable to have more than one spiritual director? Find out when Father John Bartunek weighs the options.
How do we end a long-distance relationship with the Lord … and begin a closer one? Father Michael Najim discusses an all too common problem and provides some remedies for it.
Got a great opinion of yourself? Find out what Thomas a Kempis recommends regarding that, in this short reflection from “The Imitation of Christ.”