Peace Be with You
Feelings Feeling is a force God gives you for willing and working with greater energy and constancy. But, like steam in a locomotive, it is
Feelings Feeling is a force God gives you for willing and working with greater energy and constancy. But, like steam in a locomotive, it is
Man: His Good In discussing the nature of human acts, those deliberate acts which a man performs in the quest of an end which is
St. Cyril of Jerusalem St. Cyril was born in Jerusalem in AD 315, a few years before the outbreak of the Arian heresy. He lived
Practice fasting According to the order given by the angel Raphael, we will now briefly speak on fasting. Omitting many of the theological questions, we
The Prince of Darkness: Satan Hides Himself Unlike man, Satan does not love the stage. He does not avoid it for the sake of humility,
The Reading of the New Testament The Particular Examen begins ordinarily with the following prayer: O Jesus, living in Mary, come and live in Thy
What Christ Saw From Gethsemane In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus knew perfectly just what it was for which He was to pay the penalty
The Love of God Is Justice! How could God be good if He loved the bad equally with the good? The essence of love is
The mental activity described here is a shortened version of what St. Francis de Sales says of the morning exercise in his Introduction to the Devout Life. While
The Mass Is Adoration The Latin term adoratio originally meant a gesture of reverence made toward a worthy person or object, before whom one would