Prophet of Everyday Holiness: St. Josemaría Escrivá
St. Josemaría Escrivá helps us find sanctity among the duties of each day, Claire Dwyer shares.
St. Josemaría Escrivá helps us find sanctity among the duties of each day, Claire Dwyer shares.
This week Dan and Melissa discuss a follow-up question about the writings of Father Anthony de Mello leading someone to the Catholic Church. Also, Dan answers questions regarding the need to disclose your past during spiritual direction, as well as discerning God’s voice in prayer.
Who is Fr Anthony de Mello and can we trust his spiritual writings to lead us to a deeper union with Christ? Dan and Melissa discuss the problems with Fr de Mello’s influential spiritual guidance and the Catholic Church’s position on non-Christian teachings.
Is the liturgy a grace machine? Fr Angelo Geiger brings the words of Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) and Cardinal Robert Sarah to bear as he examines this question in part V of his Mystery and Magisterium Series and how the Blessed Virgin Mary is key to better appreciating the sacraments and the liturgy.
2 Doctors, 2 Ways, 1 Goal: Sts Teresa and Therese (Part II of III) Editor’s note: In part I, we talked about the goal of
The Devil: Is He for Real? Why Does God Let Him Hang Around? Dear Father John, I’ve heard that talking about the devil is just