Hating Our Life
“Hence, despite the human affirmation, happiness, and even sense of fulfillment these crowds may have brought to Jesus, there is something and someone greater than all of this: it is the Father and His will.”- Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“Hence, despite the human affirmation, happiness, and even sense of fulfillment these crowds may have brought to Jesus, there is something and someone greater than all of this: it is the Father and His will.”- Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
Claire Dwyer talks with Mark Hart of Life Teen International about making time for what is most important–and the dangers of sacrificing our prayer life on the altar of activity.
How can you make prayer your top priority? And why should you? Connie Rossini explains.
One of the first battles in prayer involves prioritizing prayer itself.
The enemy has no need to tempt those who float around in an apathetic slumber; he already owns them. The devil is occupied with those