Tag: Mother Teresa

The Secret of Mary (Part 3)

“Throughout the entire history of Christianity, there has never been a saint, and there never will be a saint, who has had only a moderate love for Mary.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


Kindled in Love

“This is not the dull path of obligation. It is an adventure, into a wild freedom.” – Glenn Dickinson


Meeting Jesus in the Eucharist

“Although I was raised Catholic and had gone to CCD every year of my childhood and adolescence, I realized that I had been catechized, not evangelized. I had been taught all of the Church’s many teachings, but I had never been introduced to Jesus “one-to-one,” as Mother Teresa says.”- Carrie Miller


There is no “Deserve”

“In the wake of Evan’s death, the sadness I experience because I didn’t live up to my own expectations as his mom is probably the hardest to let go. It seems I deserve it. But why should I cling to my failures when life and love await?” – Lani Bogart


Motherhood According to the Spirit

A woman’s heart, a woman’s soul is created to be like Mary’s — a refuge, a hiding place, a ‘shelter in which other souls may unfold’ in the words of St. Edith Stein.  Elizabeth was that safe place to fall and to find hope for everyone who knew her. Claire Dwyer continues the series today with a look at spiritual motherhood.


A Living Smile

A smile is a small–although not always easy–sacrament of joy. Claire Dwyer shares about this surprising “apostolate” as her series on Elizabeth of the Trinity continues.


A Divine Darkness

Claire Dwyer explores the mystical reality of the “Dark Night” through the experience of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity.

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