The Victory of the Mother of God
“The Light that shines from the Mother of God reveals the true freedom and warmth of love. Not sentimental well-wishing. Not empty words.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“The Light that shines from the Mother of God reveals the true freedom and warmth of love. Not sentimental well-wishing. Not empty words.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
Why does the Church celebrate today’s feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple? Find out when Liz Estler explores the history, symbolism, and theology contained therein.
Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God in an excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
In this chapter from his book “Meet Mary”, Dr. Miravalle reflects on the reasons that Catholics honor the Mother of God.
Today’s solemnity celebrates the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. How is she also our Mother as well? Find out what the Church says in today’s post.
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, especially to Our Blessed Mother Mary! Meditate on Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen’s reflection, an excerpt from his Classic Carmelite book “Divine Intimacy”.
How is Mary both the Mother of God and our Mother? Find out as the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles reflect on this wonderful gift of God to all of us.
What is the source of all the Blessed Mother’s privileges? Why is She not mentioned more in Scripture? Find out when Fr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalene reflects on today’s solemnity.
How does Saint Bernard of Clairvaux understand the response Mary gave at the Annunciation? Find out as we relive this Advent Homily of his in three parts, concluding today with part three.
What does St Bernard of Clairvaux have to say about the Annunciation and the Blessed Virgin’s Consent? Journey with us as we relive this Advent Homily of his in three parts, beginning today with Part I, wherein he reflects on the Kingdom of David and the House of Jacob, over which the King of Kings would reign.