Exorcist Diary: Satan Consumed by Revenge
“Satan’s entire existence seeks revenge against God whom he believes victimized him. He is spending every ounce of his dark energy forever lashing out against all that is holy.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“Satan’s entire existence seeks revenge against God whom he believes victimized him. He is spending every ounce of his dark energy forever lashing out against all that is holy.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“One woman has an important Gospel ministry and the minute she begins to work on it, she can barely keep her eyes open. After several deliverance sessions, the problem was gone.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“At one point, demanding the name, I was surprised to hear the response, ‘Judas!’ I further inquired, ‘Are you a demon using his name or the real human who betrayed Jesus?'” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti