Tag: Monsignor Charles Pope

“Lists” of Mortal Sins

“Mortal sins happen. Frequent confession is a salutary and proper remedy that takes such sin seriously but does not despair of God’s mercy.” – Monsignor Charles Pope


Why is Christmas Considered a Nighttime Event?

“We celebrate at night so as to bid farewell to the darkness. It cannot prevail. It is destined to be scattered by a Light far more powerful than it is, a Light it must obey, a Light that overwhelms and replaces it.” – Monsignor Charles Pope.


99 1/2 Won’t Do – Catholic Teaching on Purgatory

“Presuming that we die in a state of grace and friendship with God, Christ will surely complete his work in us (for He is faithful to His promises) by purging us of whatever imperfections, venial sins, or sorrowful effects of sins that still remain.” – Monsignor Charles Pope

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