The Rules of Discernment: A Practical Guide – Rule 7
“Satan suggests that God has abandoned us or does not care enough help us, which seems to confirm our natural feelings of fear, isolation, or confusion.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Satan suggests that God has abandoned us or does not care enough help us, which seems to confirm our natural feelings of fear, isolation, or confusion.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“A commitment we have previously discerned is our predetermined weapon; it is our confidence in employing it that can make all the difference when the spiritual battle heats up.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“I began to feel unwell; a chronic illness flareup had come out of nowhere. By the next morning, I was doubled over in pain.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Obedience is the foundation to authentic humility. But when you truly love someone, you want to do as much for them as possible rather than only what is required.” – Debra Black
“St. Ignatius tells us that when we’re committing sin, Satan will try to keep us enslaved to ongoing sin by making it look attractive or feel good.” – Megan Hjelmstad
How is discernment like weeding a garden? Debra Black explains.
Fr. Bill Watson explores how the enemy seeks to thwart our advancement in the spiritual life and gives us tools in detecting his movements.
Fr. William Watson share two important benchmarks in the spiritual life.
More invaluable principles for Decision making from Fr. William Watson and St. Ignatius!
Hear from Fr. William Watson, S.J. about some of the fundamental principles of discernment.