Let the Eucharist Lead You to the Sacred Heart
In this chapter from his book “The Basic Book of the Eucharist”, Fr. Lawrence Lovasik discusses the connection between the Eucharist and devotion to the Sacred Heart.
In this chapter from his book “The Basic Book of the Eucharist”, Fr. Lawrence Lovasik discusses the connection between the Eucharist and devotion to the Sacred Heart.
In this chapter from his book “The Apostles and Their Times”, Mike Aquilina discusses sacramental life from the early Church to today.
What is the best preparation for Holy Communion? Find out when Fr. Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this meditation on the Eucharist, an excerpt from his Carmelite classic “Divine Intimacy”.
In this chapter from his book “How to Get More out of Holy Communion”, St. Peter Julian Eymard reflects on the grace of love that we receive in the Eucharist.
Today, on Holy Thursday, we celebrate both the institution of the priesthood and the Sacrament of Union with Christ. Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects, in an excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
Romano Guardini reflects on the self-offering of Jesus found in the celebration of Holy Mass in this excerpt from “Meditations Before Mass”.
How can we remain in Christ? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects, an excerpt from his classic Carmelite Divine Intimacy meditation book.
What is it like for Mary to continually adore God? How, and when, can we share in her prayer? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen explains in this excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
Fr. Bryan Jerabek concludes his two-part post with concerns from other priests and bishops on receiving Holy Communion in the hand … and provides links to recommended reading.
Why receive Holy Communion on the tongue? Fr. Bryan Jerabek shares a priest’s perspective in part one of this two-part post.