Death Perception
Death Perception Depth perception can be defined as the ability to perceive things and their spatial relationship in three dimensions. Death perception, on the other
Death Perception Depth perception can be defined as the ability to perceive things and their spatial relationship in three dimensions. Death perception, on the other
Otherworldly Series Baseball Coach Rich Donnelly Shows You Can Go Home Again Editor’s Note: If you’ve ever doubted the connection between souls in the Church
Father Fortea, what is eternal death? The human soul, as a spiritual reality, is immortal (see Catechism paragraph 366). Like any spirit, it is not
Dear Father John: I admit I am fairly new to the spiritual life. But God has been doing amazing things, and I really want to
Dear Father John, I am not Catholic. I consecrated myself to the Lord after reading St. Augustine’s Confessions. I was very involved with a protestant/charismatic church
Dear Father John, I am confused. Jesus said he is the way the truth and the light, but the Church has moved away from believing
Dear Dan, I was telling a friend of mine the other day that I really prefer dogs to people. He told me that I needed
Dear Dan, why would the Church recommend that we meditate on such horrible things as hell and the last judgment (aren’t there four things.)? Anyway,