Tag: Faith

Do I Need to Know Where I am In my Spiritual Growth? – Video

Do I Need to Know Where I am In my Spiritual Growth? – Spiritual Reflections | Some people criticize those seeking to understand where they are in their spiritual growth (purgative, illuminative, unitive, etc.), is this appropriate? Should we know where we are spiritually? Is it ok to pursue this kind of knowledge?


Should I Seek Balance in My Spiritual Life? – Video

Some insist that we must be balanced in our lives and especially in our spiritual commitments. A seminarian once reported that a family member said he was trying to be too holy and this is not necessary – is this a healthy perspective?


The Great Mystery is Accomplished

What can we learn from the mystery of the birth of God in time? Why is it so great and so necessary? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.


152. Mary’s Song (Luke 1:39-56)

What was the secret of the Blessed Virgin’s faith? Fr. John Bartunek explores why she was able to believe so completely, an excerpt from his meditation book “The Better Part” on this coming Sunday’s Gospel.

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