Tag: Dr. Anthony Lilles

These Works of God are Hidden

“We have an enemy who has great interest in keeping our eyes on what appears to be dead and dying but through the stirrings of the Holy Spirit, the Father wants us to see what He is about and through His Son, join in his great work.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


The Risen Lord Present in the World Today

“How is the Risen Lord present to us?  He is not simply present in the world – one presence among other presences.  He is present to the world through His mystical body holding the whole world together.” – Dr. Anthonly Lilles


The Word and Silence

In the Nativity of the Lord, the cries of the world, the cries of the human heart, and the cries of God coincide.  These shared


A Kneeling Theology

Our greater awareness of method and recourse to technology in theology today seems to be at the expense of prayer. Very few scholars teach or write as if they believe that contemplation is of any objective value to the theological enterprise or that mystical wisdom has any real importance for the life of the Church.

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