God’s Holy Angel: Part 54 Mini-Course on Prayer
Who is the messenger who can take the offering of our love up to the Father? David Torkington reveals the identity of this “Holy Angel.”
Who is the messenger who can take the offering of our love up to the Father? David Torkington reveals the identity of this “Holy Angel.”
In the Dark Night, one thing alone can save us: Love. David Torkington illustrates the devotions that reach beyond human frailty and help our love to rise to the heart of the Father.
There is no magic formula for the perfect prayer, only a continual turning to God and emptying of our will in imitation of Christ, David Torkington explains.
David Torkington explains the changing–and challenging–seasons of prayer as one advances in the spiritual life.
One small verse repeated from the heart can be a lifeline for a soul in the Night. David Torkington reveals a secret of the saints.
The morning offering is the beginning of a life lived completely in self-donative love, united to Jesus and given to the Father. David Torkington explains how this practice took root in the lives of the first Christians.
David Torkington continues his mini-course on prayer with a close look at the mystical body and our incorporation into it through an ever-deepening death to self.
“This endless, ongoing, ever-expanding bliss planned for us by God from the beginning is the measure of the ‘height and depth, the length and breadth’ of his love for us that surpasses the understanding.” David John Torkington resumes his mini-course on prayer today.
What can a stage teach us about the spiritual life?
David Torkington shares ten signs that one is entering the Mystic Way of Prayer, based on the teachings of St. John of the Cross.