Tag: Apologetics

Who is the One Who is Really Helping Me?

Who is the One Who is Really Helping Me? – Spiritual Reflections | In this video, Dan Burke explores the question of where our help comes from when God uses particular authors, especially those who are not always orthodox in their teaching. Should we defend or keep relying on these authors? Why are people so sensitive when folks criticize authors or teachers who have helped them? What is a balanced approach to all of this?


The Holy Spirit’s Guide to Correcting Error in the Church – Video

The Holy Spirit’s Guide to Correcting Error in the Church – Spiritual Reflections | Is there a way that the Holy Spirit has specifically revealed to deal with false teaching in the Church? It is important to note that this video is NOT about the current abuse crisis but rather about false teaching in the Church and how to deal with it in a manner in keeping to the clear admonitions in the New Testament.