Letters of St. Paul of the Cross: Overcoming Fear
“Sometimes in our great fear, the Lord allows our worst fears to come upon us, only to show us that it wasn’t that bad after all.” – Amy Knight
“Sometimes in our great fear, the Lord allows our worst fears to come upon us, only to show us that it wasn’t that bad after all.” – Amy Knight
“The enemy doesn’t mind ministry of all different and varied types and forms, but he will resist the one who prays and will try to halt any corporate expression of prayer.” – Amy Knight
“Even on this side of paradise, we can give ourselves to Him by emptying ourselves of everything that hinders relationship with Him.” – Amy Knight
“Times of difficulty and trial, though painful, help us to become detached from the assignment itself and not allow the assignment to become our identity.” – Amy Knight
“Courage, dear one. God wishes to make you all His and, therefore tries you and exercises you so that you may be a good soldier. Have no fear, dear one, for you will have the victory.” – St. Paul of the Cross
“Since faith is so pleasing to the Lord, He is gracious to give us so many opportunities to show Him our love in the darkness of faith.” – Amy Knight
“I see that God desires that you be despoiled of everything and have no happiness beyond the happiness of doing the Holy Will of the Highest Good, reposing with deep humility on his loving bosom.” -St. Paul of the Cross
“The hidden years are “crucifying” in the sense that this anonymity kills selfish ambition and self-driven agendas that are mostly unseen by ourselves. The hidden wilderness season is meant to drive out all that hinders Love and foster a complete and total dependence on God alone.” – Amy Knight
“To die mystically is to die to all that is not Christ in our lives.” -Amy Knight
“Gazing upon Christ Crucified through meditation is the pathway to receive this Love into our very being and begin to be transformed by it.” -Amy Knight