

Our annual Ecce Homo Lenten Retreats are known for breadth and depth—dozens of speakers who take us deep into their stories and draw from the heart of the Church’s wisdom.

I wanted to make sure you saw a few of my favorite talks from our last retreat and experienced them for yourself.  Please enjoy the conversion stories of Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck and Sr. Meredith of Christ Crucified, OCD. 

Thank you for making it possible for us to offer such tremendous hope to the hurting Church today.  Without you, none of this would be possible. 

Please know of our appreciation—and when you watch these videos, reply back and let us know what you think! We’d love to hear from you. 

God bless, 

Ann Virnig, Director of Mission Engagement, Avila Foundation

Sr. Meredith of Christ Crucified

Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck

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