It’s not too late – Watch the Ecce Homo Retreat on demand!

Registration closes April 14!

If you were unable to participate, we didn’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to have access to all of the talks, both recorded and live, as well as the prayer sessions and spiritual direction Q&A’s.

So through April 14, we decided to offer the six-month access pass at a discounted price of only $79.

That’s right — the full retreat experience for $20 off the advertised post-retreat price of $99.

Just use code $20off at checkout here: 

Not bad for a Holy Week experience with dozens of speakers delivered right to your home—and just in time to help you enter into this sacred season with renewed strength and zeal!

Watch Gabriel Castillo’s talk on “The Cross, Discernment, and Our Lady of Sorrows”

Play Video

Ignite your Easter season with the power of prayer and the Avila Institute present our first-ever live, online retreat: “Ecce
Homo: Prayer and the Paschal Mystery.” We invite you to join the company of over 50 on-fire Catholic speakers as they unpack how to participate more fully into the redemptive mystery unfolding around us—and within us—this Easter season.

All videos are on-demand and available for 6 months!

Keynote Speakers

Enjoy insight and inspiration in real-time from our engaging keynote speakers.

Q & A

Priests, theologians, and spiritual directors will be standing by to personally answer your questions about Holy Week, prayer, and the spiritual life.


How can we pray for you? The Prayer room will be open for intercession. Let us lift you and your intentions up to the Lord.

Breakout Speakers

Dozens of recorded talks from respected Catholic speakers on topics of prayer, spiritual direction, and spiritual warfare as they relate to the Passion.

2023 Ecce Homo Keynote Speakers

Dan- SD

Dan Burke


Johnnette Benkovic Williams


Fr. Mitch Pacwa

Dr. John Bergsma

Dr. John Bergsma

Bishop Cozzens

Bishop Andrew Cozzens

Dr Mark Miravalle

Dr. Mark Miravalle

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Claire Dwyer


Fr. Josh Johnson

Q & A

And Many More Speakers!

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