Sophia Institute Press

Sophia Institute Press publishes and distributes faithful Catholic classics and new texts by the great enduring figures of the Catholic intellectual tradition. In 30 years, we have published 300 titles and distributed 3 million books worldwide to hundreds of thousands of individuals, bookstores, and institutions. Sophia’s authors include St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Therese of Lisieux, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Dietrich von Hildebrand, and many others.

Articles By Sophia Institute Press

Peace Be with You

Feelings Feeling is a force God gives you for willing and working with greater energy and constancy. But, like steam in a locomotive, it is a chaotic force. If well channeled by reason (with its safety valves and opportune expansion and release), it will be exceedingly useful to you. General Control Do Not Let Feelings


The Antichrist

St. Cyril of Jerusalem St. Cyril was born in Jerusalem in AD 315, a few years before the outbreak of the Arian heresy. He lived to see its suppression by the Edict of Theodosius, 380, and to take part in its condemnation by the Council of Constantinople in the following year. He became bishop of


The Art of Dying Well

Practice fasting According to the order given by the angel Raphael, we will now briefly speak on fasting. Omitting many of the theological questions, we will confine ourselves only to our subject. Our intention is to explain the art of living well, because this will prepare us for dying well. For this art, three things


The Deceiver

The Prince of Darkness: Satan Hides Himself Unlike man, Satan does not love the stage. He does not avoid it for the sake of humility, because his great pride would never allow him to operate on that basis. He does it for usefulness, because hiding himself is useful to his purpose, that of enticing souls


Rooting Out Hidden Faults

The Reading of the New Testament The Particular Examen begins ordinarily with the following prayer: O Jesus, living in Mary, come and live in Thy servants, by the spirit of Thy holiness, by the fullness of Thy power, by the perfection of Thy ways, by the truth of Thy virtues, and by the communication of


The Last Hours of Jesus

What Christ Saw From Gethsemane In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus knew perfectly just what it was for which He was to pay the penalty of death. He was to pay the penalty for sin — for all the sins of mankind, from the first to the last. Isaiah the prophet had cried out: “Woe


Some Characteristics of God’s Love

The Love of God Is Justice! How could God be good if He loved the bad equally with the good? The essence of love is not indifference to morality. ‘‘The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: he that followeth justice is beloved by him” (Prov. 15:9). “You have wearied the Lord


Live Today Well with Saint Francis de Sales

The mental activity described here is a shortened version of what St. Francis de Sales says of the morning exercise in his Introduction to the Devout Life. While its five parts appear at first to be rather detailed, this exercise is not intended to be painstaking or time-consuming. Rather, it can and should be done briefly, yet fervently,


The Catholic Mass

The Mass Is Adoration The Latin term adoratio originally meant a gesture of reverence made toward a worthy person or object, before whom one would bow slightly, touching the object of reverence with one’s right hand, while with one’s left hand wafting a kiss (ad os) toward the recipient of the adoration. We, however, must

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