Jessica Fahy

The Vice of Acedia and Our Use of the Media, Part 2
Jessica Fehy continues her look at acedia.

The Vice of Acedia and Our Use of the Media, Part 1
Could one’s obsessive use of media be rooted in acedia? Jess Fehy informs and challenges.

Prayer of Self-Renouncement for Union with Our Lady
Our Lady’s role in our salvation and sanctification is irreplaceable and most necessary in these times we live in. It is a great loss to the Christian to not take her for one’s mother and a mediatrix with her Son. Our Lady is the shortest, easiest and quickest path to Christ and Christian holiness. In St. Louis

St. Francis de Sales on Multi-Tasking
Rushing? Multi-tasking? Checking all the boxes? What would the saints say?

How Can I Practice Heroic Virtue?
Jessica Fehy reminds us that there is opportunity for great heroic virtue even as you go about the sometimes monotonous or “annoying” duties and encounters in your daily life!

Rushing: An Enemy of Recollection
A steady pace of rushing places a great hindrance not only on peace and rest for ourselves and our family but also on our relationship with God. Rushing ruins our recollection.

Deliver Me, Jesus: The Litany of Humility
Years ago my spiritual director recommended I pray the Litany of Humility every day. The saints say humility is that virtue which must the foundation for all others. Here is the litany: O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me. From the desire of being esteemed, deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being loved… From

On Handling Just and Unjust Blame
Jessica Fahy explores what it means to handle just and unjust blame, according to the model Jesus gave us.

Motherhood’s Demands and Inconstancy in Prayer – Part 2
Jessica Fahy concludes her two-part series on the demands of motherhood, focusing today on inconstancy in prayer and offering practical advice on what can be done about it.