Fr. José Antonio Fortea

Father José Antonio Fortea is not only an exorcist, but also a writer, and parish priest. He once thought he would lead what he has termed ordinary life as an attorney in Madrid, much as his father did before him, but sensed instead a vocation to the priesthood in his adolescent years. A theology graduate of Navarre University in Spain, Father Fortea wrote a thesis there on exorcism. He has been a practicing exorcist for several decades.

Articles By Fr. José Antonio Fortea

Significance to the Order of the Three Temptations of Jesus?

Father Fortea, what order do the three temptations of Jesus in the desert follow? Is there any significance to this order? In the synoptic gospels, we see how the devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness immediately prior to the start of His public ministry (see Mt 4:1-11; Mk 1:9-15; Lk 4:1-13). These temptations were those


Why Satan Appears More Often in New Testament Than Old

Father Fortea, why does Satan appear more frequently in the New Testament than in the Old? The term Satan appears eighteen times in the Old Testament and thirty-five in the New. The devil can be found thirty-six times. The term demon appears twenty-one times in the New Testament, while the Old Testament’s equivalent terms for


Did Demons Know Jesus was the Messiah When He Was On Earth?

Father Fortea, when Jesus was on earth, did demons know He was the Messiah? As we have said, demons do not know everything. They do not even know all that happens in this world; they are among us, but they come and go. The demons watch over the saints in a very special way, and


Bible Says Some Demons in Hell: Are Some Not on Earth?

Some Demons in Hell Father Fortea, when the Bible says that some demons are in hell, does this mean that they are not on earth tempting us?   This is probably the case. What also seems to be the case is that there is no difference in suffering between those who are in hell and


Sacred Scripture Says Demons are in the “Regions of the Air”: Why?

Father Fortea, why does Sacred Scripture say that demons are in the “regions of the air”? Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world


Why does God Not Just Annihilate the Demons?

Father Fortea, why does God not just annihilate the demons? God, in His great love, has pledged not to destroy any intelligent being He has created. Demons, by their very existence, are a manifestation of God’s justice, a proclamation that the law of God is not violated without consequence. He who violates this law deforms


Why Does Hell Need to be Eternal?

Father Fortea, why does hell need to be eternal? Repentance can be born only of grace. If God does not send grace to a spirit, making it understand the perpetrated evil, then there can be no supernatural repentance. Without grace, a demon can understand that it was a foolish decision to have rebelled, a decision


Is God Present Even in Hell?

Father Fortea, is God present even in hell? Yes, God is present even in hell. There is no place (or being) in which God is not present. God, the Creator of all things, maintains everything in existence and knows everything from all eternity. So demons are not freed from the presence of God even in


Are Only those who Want to be Condemned, Condemned?

Father Fortea, are only those who want to be condemned actually condemned? No one really wants to be condemned. But some choose to be condemned because their sinful actions exclude them from the life of blessedness. In the same way, no one really wants to spend their lives on earth full of hatred and wishing


Can One Be Condemned For Little Sins?

Father Fortea, can one be condemned for “little” sins? No. Eternal condemnation is so horrendous, so terrible, that it is reserved for grave sins. Only one who dies in a state of mortal sin is condemned to hell. This being said, every sin, no matter how small, is a step toward greater sin; every sin,

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