Christine Rich

Christine Rich has been driven by her Catholic faith as a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother and entrepreneur throughout her life. As a spiritual entrepreneur, Christine is honored to mentor other female entrepreneurs navigating their vocations in business while not allowing it to overcome their primary vocations as wives and mothers. At Archetype Group she has the opportunity to mentor entrepreneurs that share the same core values and the desire to be missionary disciples through their work. In Christine’s last venture, she co-founded and led as CEO, My Saint My Hero, a Catholic inspirational jewelry company grounded in faith and prayer which grew exponentially into a successful national brand. Christine and her husband, Joe, live in Southern California and have four children & four grandchildren. She serves as mentor for the Tepayac Leader Institute and and the GIVEN institute. She is a member of the International Marian Society. She is indebted to Our Lady for her deeper conversion in her Catholic Faith and for the daily prayer which continues to bring her into deeper relationship with Jesus.

Articles By Christine Rich

The Lord Knows Better, In Lent and Always

“That’s when God helped me see what it is that I have been stuck in for as long as I can remember.  Something I have worked on Lent after Lent and even begged God to miraculously take away from me: My habit of being late.” – Christine Rich

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