Christine Hanus

A lover of Jesus Christ, a wife, and a mother of five, Christine is the author of Everyday Heroism: 28 Daily Reflections on the Little Way of Motherhood. She is a graduate of Franciscan University, an instructor for the Institute for Excellence in Writing, and an experienced catechist. Thrilled to have recently become grandparents, she and her husband currently live in Upstate, NY. Visit her author webpage at

Articles By Christine Hanus

Love, True Love

“Motherhood calls us to a mature understanding of love, which is deeply satisfying.” – Christine Hanus


Seek and Ye Shall Find

“The next time we are missing our keys, we may or may not be able to find them, but we will never be disappointed when it comes to asking for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives.” – Christine Hanus


Praying Like Jesus

“When we give Him permission to be center of our universe, as a parent is to a child, then and only then will all be well with us.” – Christine Hanus


The Perfect Timing

“Like Veruca Salt in the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, we figuratively (or occasionally literally in my case) belt out, ‘Don’t care how—I want it now!'”  

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