Change Your Phrasing
How can changing the way you say things help your spiritual journey? Find out when Charlotte Ostermann explains how a subtle shift in perspective aligns us more closely with the freedom Christ won for us.
How can changing the way you say things help your spiritual journey? Find out when Charlotte Ostermann explains how a subtle shift in perspective aligns us more closely with the freedom Christ won for us.
What happens when two truths seem to compete against each other? What truth should win out? How do we deal with this? Find out what strategies Charlotte Ostermann recommends which we can employ in order to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth.
Get a Vowel You are climbing a mountain, working hard, pushing yourself to fight the fight and finish the race. There are times to relax and let go of a struggle for a while, but there are times to persevere. Right now, you know you have got to keep going in the face of opposition,
You Are Perfect, Really Though Christ tells us to “be perfect” (Matthew 5:48), we tend to think of perfection as an impossible, unrealistic standard. “Nobody’s perfect.” “She thinks she’s so perfect.” Perfect is ‘done’, ‘finished’, ‘no more work needed’, ‘as good as can be’. This causes confusion in our souls. Satan twists Christ’s own words
What to Do When You Hit the Wall Runners know all about breaking through that moment when they ‘hit the wall’ and cannot go another step…but then they do it! Whenever we try to accomplish a goal, make progress in learning, or move forward up a steep hill of some kind, we often hit the
Note from Dan: Rarely will you find a soul yielded to God who does not also experience a great deal of peace. These souls often have one thing in common, their faith is revealed in the way they live. They recognize that God is their provider and thus honor Him as such – with rest.