Divine Intimacy Radio Logo

October 23, 2018: Allen Smith, The Cries of Jesus from the Cross

Join Dan Burke and Melissa Elson as they speak with Allen Smith about his book, The Cries of Jesus from the Cross for insight into the life and works of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.

Topics/Questions Covered in the Show:

  • What inspired Al to compile these particular writings of Archbishop Sheen?
  • Why are the writings of Archbishop Sheen important in our current time?
  • Is there any update on the cause of Archbishop Sheen’s canonization?
  • Why is the structure of the book important?
  • In what ways can the text be used?
  • What is the significance of removing the cross from the sight of the world?
  • How is the family being attacked in current times?
  • How important was prayer to Archbishop Sheen?
