Day: January 29, 2020

Powerful Pre-Lent Tradition – Septuagesima Sunday

Dom Prosper Guéranger, O.S.B., abbot of Solesmes from 1837-1875, devoted a whole volume of his great work – The Liturgical Year to 
Septuagesima. In his Preface, Dom Guéranger referred to Septuagesima as a season of “transition, inasmuch as it includes the period between two important Seasons, – Christmas and Lent.” 


Lord, Teach Us To Pray

Over the course of Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s storied career, thousands approached him with a simple request: “Teach us to pray.” Now, for the first time ever, his wise teachings on prayer have been collected into a single volume to help you perfect your prayers and make them what they must become: a daily, holy habit.

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