The Retreat that Never Ends: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
“The spiritual life, our relationship with God, is eternal and never-ending. Similarly, the Spiritual Exercises have no ‘end’.” – Debra Black
“The spiritual life, our relationship with God, is eternal and never-ending. Similarly, the Spiritual Exercises have no ‘end’.” – Debra Black
“My eyes were opened to how precise and beautiful God’s plan is—that the living out of our vocation purposefully, intentionally, of giving in and giving way and saying yes to every cry and every sticky summons and sleepless night—and saying no to what my wounded nature wanted so badly—was a radical kind of inner house cleaning.” – Claire Dwyer
Leila Miller examines how our level of holiness shapes our experience of suffering and our view of the crosses of life.
Forming Our Emotions (Part II of II) Editor’s Note: In part I, we introduced the concept of educating or forming emotions and looked at the