Category: Spirituality

Spiritual Jealousy

Let those who are around you that are greater in virtue be honored, while you rest in the deepest humility, trust, and intimacy on His Sacred Heart.


The Lord is Nigh

What happens when a soul concentrates its desires and affections on God? Find out on this Gaudete Sunday when Fr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.


Life By A Thousand Aspirations

“If a thousand small cuts can rob a man of his breath, it should follow that the so-called ejaculations of praise, petition, adoration, and thanksgiving for a Christian can help lead a man to life.” – Rob Marco


Things I’ve Learned in Spiritual Direction, Part 3: The Lies We Listen To

“We hear variations of the lie that we are ‘not enough.’ And yet we have the precise gifts for our particular family, for our exact calling, for this specific cross, in this time, at this place, for this season.  God promises only daily bread, and it is made to order.  We do not have the grace for anyone else’s life—or even for tomorrow—but we have all we need to become more fully ourselves, which is more like Christ, today.” – Claire Dwyer


Waking Up

“What exactly is the New Testament exhorting us to wake up from? Essentially it is any life or any part of our life, that does not have God at its center.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


St. Benedict and Conversion

“The Benedictine vow of conversatio morum is a renewal of the baptismal vow. It is an absolute decision that I want to die and rise with Christ, and that I renounce all seductive counterfeits.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski


St. Benedict and Obedience

“How do you allow obedience to set you free in your daily life?” Fr. Derek Sakowski offers a reflection on obedience and the rule of St. Benedict.


Mistaken Identity

“St. Paul’s message is clear. We belong to God. All the many roles and functions we might play in this world cannot add to or alter the identity God has imprinted within us.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary

Why does the Church celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary today? Find out what Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen has to say in this reflection from the Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy.”

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