“A Dominican Moment”: The Story of a Conversion, Part 2
“It’s been called a “Dominican moment” because the culture of lies and death is ascendent, just as it was in St. Dominic’s time, and we need the same remedy: Truth.”- Rose Folsom
“It’s been called a “Dominican moment” because the culture of lies and death is ascendent, just as it was in St. Dominic’s time, and we need the same remedy: Truth.”- Rose Folsom
Lori suggested I read Thérèse’s Story of a Soul. I ordered it to make her happy and to prove I didn’t need this Catholic nonsense. The next Wednesday when I got home from work, there on the coffee table was the book and a dozen roses from my husband. I called Lori. “I got roses!” She said, “Yes, I asked Thérèse to send you some.”- Rose Folsom
Learn more about St. Albert the Great, Doctor of the Church, and one of its brightest lights. His erudition was unequaled; his preaching and teaching inflamed the hearts of countless people.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson talk to Fr Hugh Vincent Dyer about Fr Tom McGlynn’s book “Vision of Fatima” and Our Lady of Fatima’s sculpture.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson interview Fr. Hugh Vincent Dyer on the fascinating story of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, sculpted by Dominican priest Fr. Thomas McGlynn.
With St. Rose of Lima we find an astounding saint and loving hound of the Lord, and yet, at a superficial level, her life and her lessons may seem very odd, extreme, and strange to us today.
What prayer postures are there besides kneeling, standing and sitting? After an introduction from Pope Benedict XVI, Dr. Anthony Lilles summarizes Saint Dominic’s nine ways of prayer.
Saint Catherine of Siena Doctor of the Church Pray for Us! Saint Catherine was born at Siena in 1347. While still a young girl, she
Saint Catherine of Siena spent her life encouraging a deeper obedience to God the Father. Although the earthly life of this Doctor of the Church