From “They” to “I” in Prayer
“When I hear myself using ‘they’ in prayer or conversation with my spiritual director I know I am hiding from something.” – Deanna Bartalini
“When I hear myself using ‘they’ in prayer or conversation with my spiritual director I know I am hiding from something.” – Deanna Bartalini
“Running from pain causes us to develop internal coping mechanisms that atrophy our souls and wear at unsuspecting parts of our spirits.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Christian prayer is not a self-help exercise, a stress reduction program, or a therapeutic tool to help us cope with our problems.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“St. Paul’s message is clear. We belong to God. All the many roles and functions we might play in this world cannot add to or alter the identity God has imprinted within us.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
Understanding your temperament can be a valuable tool for growth in the spiritual life, Claire Dwyer shares. Which one best describes you?
Can we be selfish and truly happy at the same time? Father Michael Najim reflects on the solution to our sorrow.
What is custody of the senses? And, should we practice it? Father John Bartunek examines this question and what we need to know about it.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux is famous for saying that “Anyone who takes himself for his own spiritual director is the disciple of a fool.” This
Dear Dan, I am struggling with a recurring problem with anger that I can’t seem to overcome. I have read books, tried to understand how
“Behold, I am with you always unto the end of time.” (Matthew 28:20) These last words of the Risen Christ to the Apostles before He