What’s Spiritual Gluttony? (Part II of II)
“The physical pleasures associated with gluttony, lust, and sloth are obvious. We are less aware of the spiritualized forms of these capital sins.” – Father John Bartunek
“The physical pleasures associated with gluttony, lust, and sloth are obvious. We are less aware of the spiritualized forms of these capital sins.” – Father John Bartunek
“God is infinite, so we will never come to know him so fully that nothing remains to discover. And yet sometimes we rebel against that reality.” – Fr. John Bartunek
“There is a restlessness in your soul, and you seek out a director who will guide you in your desire to know God.” – Deanna Bartalini
“This endless, ongoing, ever-expanding bliss planned for us by God from the beginning is the measure of the ‘height and depth, the length and breadth’ of his love for us that surpasses the understanding.” David John Torkington resumes his mini-course on prayer today.
“Yes, the prophets and the teachings must be attended to; they are like a lamp shining in a dark place. But there comes a moment when those teachings are confirmed and a greater light dawns, the Morning Star rises in our hearts.” Monsignor Charles Pope
God has a deep and lasting desire to be in relationship with you, specifically. Listen to this week’s episode to hear more about this important aspect of God’s disposition towards us.
Can kids learn from St. Thomas Aquinas? Nancy Ward reviews Dave Palmer’s new book, which promises to do just that!
Who does Jesus reveal to us? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalene reflects on this in an excerpt from the Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
What are spiritualized capital sins? How do we find a balance in seeking God? Find out as Father John Bartunek concludes his look at this very important topic for those who seek the Lord.
Is it OK to buy and read tons of spiritual books? Can we ever get enough of a good thing? Learn how Fr. John Bartunek explains the concept of spiritual gluttony from his book on “Seeking First the Kingdom.”